
We look forward to your questions and concerns – but also to suggestions and criticism!
Get in touch – we are already excited!

How can we help you?

We look forward to hearing from you: We will be happy to explain details of our solutions and products, answer your questions about installation and maintenance, or solve your problem quickly and straightforwardly. Simply fill out our contact form – we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Contact person

Our experts for your industry look forward to your call or e-mail.


Stefanie Klein
Phone +49 5723 94 17 14
Fax +49 5723 94 17 50

Agar and commercial vehicles

Viktor Brozmann
Phone +49 5723 94 17 12
Fax +49 5723 94 17 50

Public transport and coaches

Andreas Hannig
Phone +49 5723 94 17 35
Fax +49 5723 94 17 50

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